0 5 mins 3 yrs

Another evening of debauched comedy and lovely ladies!

The Hundred Watt Club return to the Gloucester Guildhall with another sell-out show. The last time they were here the audience, and I, were treated to Lena Lenman and her friends entertaining the audience with burlesque, song, acrobatics and general cheekiness hosted by the fabulous Miss Em.

This time around the lovely Ms. Lenman played host in the guise of Auntie Mae, the topical trollop and although we missed out seeing Ms. Lenman in just her feathers the entertainment was no less funny or captivating as she had juggler, Jon Udry, as well as lovelies Serafina Hart, Betty Blue Eyes and Elly Cribbens in support with one Mr. Jamie Lenman roped in, as usual, as stagehand.

Auntie Mae introduces the show, and each performer to the stage. You might be forgiven for thinking that an East End trollope doesn’t belong with a burlesque show but you’d be wrong. I say East End trollop but Auntie Mae let the Cockney pretence slip once or twice, reverting to her more usual North East accent. Whether this was this on purpose we’ll never know, but it was very funny nonetheless.

Following her show introduction Auntie Mae brought the very accomplished Miss Serafina Hart to the stage. Almost before you could blink an eye the red dress Miss Hart was wearing had disappeared to reveal some sparkly underwear which, oddly enough, mostly disappeared too!

Next up was Elly Clibbens. Normally an aerialist, this was put by in favour of hoola hoops tonight. One hoop became two, then three, four, five, six….before a jump to around 15. Very clever, very agile, I was out of breath just watching.

Jon Udry emerged; juggler, comedian, maker of balloon animals, occasional stripper (allegedly). Great juggling skills matched only by his ability to pull faces normally only seen on Spitting Image and throwing the occasional ‘he isn’t assembled right’ poses. Made me laugh….but with my sense of humour that often doesn’t take much!

We reach half time with Betty Blue Eyes, though I didn’t get close enough to confirm her eyes are blue. Like Ms. Hart the wearing of clothes was fleeting, almost optional, but this one is a comedian….and what she can do with a banana…..well! All visual humour, all very good, very funny.

After a well earned break the second half gets underway with the re-introduction of Auntie Mae. The events of the first half had obviously had an effect because no sooner was the outrageous Auntie Mae on stage she was flashing her bloomers and the dress was off!. Thankfully that’s where it stopped. Before this, however, the audience were ‘treated’ to a rendition of ‘If I Knew You Were Coming I’d have Shaved me Vag’ with ukulele accompaniment.

After mooching around the stage then laying down like something off a cheap renaissance painting Auntie Mae got us back on track with Elly Clibbens and her hoola hoops. Cue the dimmed lights for some LED hoops and another mesmerising performance.

Betty Blue Eyes returned, this time dressed as what can only be described as a panto dame complete with rubber lips, talk about Mick Jagger on a bad day! As before it took no time at all for the dress to come off leaving Ms. Blue Eyes in a petticoat and sort of ‘kiss me quick’ bra….but appearances can be deceptive because these two items also managed to fall off leaving her with the most fantastically ridiculous ‘outfit’ on and rather than describe this I urge you to check out the photographs!

Jon Udry came on with more of his misplaced juggling shenanigans before Serafina Hart closed the main show with a sexy burlesque striptease that left little to the imagination, again, I’ll urge you to check out the photographs of this performance. Absolutely fabulous!

A closing monologue from Auntie Mae and the cast were back on stage for their well earned plaudits. Another brilliant night of burlesque, comedy, song…and did I mention burlesque?

The Hundred Watt Club are back here at the Gloucester Guildhall in March 2022, and it’s a show you really don’t want to miss.




Words & images: Reg Richardson