ROCKIN’ THE BOWL is shaping up to be the Rock n Roll party of the year!

With their only headlining festival performance this year, MASSIVE WAGONS
are preparing something exclusive to Rockin the Bowl. It’s a secret, Shhhhh!
But it’s something very special.
Our first 2022 bands have just been announced, JACK J HUTCHINSON, KING
VOODOO AND VERITY WHITE. Our first big announcements are imminent, by
the end of August, and 2022 tickets will go on sale at the same time.
If you want to get involved, we are recruiting volunteers at the moment.
Contact us at [email protected] or visit our website.
In terms of Covid safety, we have introduced a whole host of measures to
make sure our supporters, bands and crew are as safe as it’s possible to be.
These include enhanced cleaning procedures, sanitation stations, the ability to
socially distance if you wish to and backstage measures to make sure
everybody can work safely.
Finally, the big news!
Initially we were a one day festival and the three day format was as a response
to our 2020 postponement due to the pandemic in order to give our fans
something extra for their incredible loyalty. However, we have decided to
continue as a three day festival!
All 2020 tickets are valid for the full 2021 event. If you haven’t got your tickets
yet, grab them now: