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Returning after 18 years in the wilderness, Vulture Lord are back to spread terror with their violent underground metal assault – Desecration Rite! Featuring members of Urgehal, Carpathian Forest, Beastcraft and Endezzma, Vulture Lord are a finely honed strike force of veteran commandos and Desecration Rite is the sound of true blasphemy and black metal madness!

Reviews of the fearsome return to the front have been universally excellent, with metal critics worldwide hailing this devastating attack on all that is holy…

“…a wild trip, massive in delivery…” 8/10 – AVE NOCTUM
“… one hell of an Extreme Metal album made by masters of the trade.” 8/10 – ROCK MUSIC RAIDER
“…the bone snapping, soul crushing bench mark…” 8.5/10 – METAL NOISE

Now everyone can lay down their souls to the Vulture Lord as Odium Records present a full album premiere at their YouTube channel, from 6pm CET, August 20th. Immerse yourself in the darkness and scream vengeance against the world right here:


Desecration Rite is available now on vinyl, CD and super limited wooden box edition, as well as through all major digital platforms, along with a new Vulture Lord long sleeve shirt. Visit Vulture Lord band page on Facebook
Visit Odium Records here
Buy Desecration Rite here