0 13 mins 2 mths
  1. For those who don’t know and might be new to your music, what are your names and your role in the band?

I’m Billy I’m the bassist/songwriter and backing vocals

I’m Jason the vocalist and lyricist for Chaos Reigns.

  1. How did you come up with the name Chaos Reigns? It’s always interesting to hear how bands come up with their band names that they will always plan to stick with.

So we actually got the name from the horror movie ‘The Antichrist’ at the moment where William Dafoe’s character looks up and says “Chaos Reigns” in a very demonic voice and that’s pretty much where we got the name from.

  1. So how did you guys actually get to know each other?

This is actually our third version of the Chaos Reigns universe in a way, Jason is actually our second vocalist and we have a new drummer, our last drummer was actually Jason’s nephew. I kind of just met Jason through a gig we just met and added each other on Facebook and kind of kept in touch with each other, so when I put a demo out on and Jason commented and that’s how it kind of began.

  1. You’re about to release an incredible EP. What can you tell us about the record?

It’s a hardcore record with a lot of elements put into it, it’s not your generic hardcore record there’s a lot thrown into it we don’t have everything sounding the same, that tends to be a thing with some hardcore records and we mostly stick with drop d which isn’t as low as some hardcore records. The songs have moments where they’re quite emotional. The lyrics really capture you in that sense they have a lot of meaning. For example my friend almost lost his life to mental health last year and Graveyard Shift is about his experience with it and how it affected not only him but the people around him.

  1. What influenced this record for you guys?

There wasn’t an album per say that influenced the record but looking at say the early days of Slipknot which is different to our music but those first three albums and the way they switch in songs to capture your attention is something I wanted to bring into this record, we have moments where we include Jazz. We wanted to bring something into the record that could make someone who isn’t paying attention in the crowd possibly look up from their phone and go “oh wait” and get them to focus on us.

  1. You guys are a pretty heavy band, but are there any artists out there that each of you really like that your fans might not have expected?

Billy: I like some of the more controversial artists like Kanye West, Michael Jackson. I really just love that kind of music, the more pop kind of realm is something I just love.

Jason: I love my sad indie music at the moment. Just stuff like that is something that I really love, there’s an artist doing the rounds on TikTok right now that’s really got me listening to more of their stuff. Chris Motionless and Taylor Swift.

  1. Funniest moment to happen on the tour / at a show?

Oh God it was with our guitarist, he basically has a lot of stomach issues that he really needs to go and get tested for because it’s just causing him pain, and there was one show that we had where it was mid track and he just dropped his guitar and ran through the crowd to the toilet, so we kind of just had to carry on with the track and then just talk during that silent period to fill the space and he just made his way back through the crowd to us and I’m pretty sure we explained what had happened to the audience, but i don’t think they clocked what had happened when he ran off.

Jason: I’ve got my hair caught in the top of guitars before where its practically being dragged as we’re in the middle of a track, long hair getting caught on chewing gum in my mouth and almost giving me a hairball.

Billy: That’s the thing about having long hair that people don’t realise in bands its a lot to handle.

  1. Who in the band is most likely to fall over on stage?

Billy: Me easy done it many times before

  1. Number one song to sing in the shower?

Billy: Somebody’s watching me – whilst I’m in the shower just making it even more creepy.

  1. If your band has a collective superpower, what would it be and how would you use it? For good or evil?

Well we’re all small people so Ant Man, we’re all really small lads so we’re like the fellowship from Lord of The Rings.

  1. If you had to pick a Disney princess to be, which one are you going with?

Jason: Mulan easy

Billy: I don’t know if this counts as a Disney Princess but Kronk I feel like Kronk is a bit of a princess.

  1. What was the last gig you went to that you weren’t performing at and what was your take on it?

Jason: Mallory Knox which for me was great because it was seeing a bunch of lads from school getting up there and doing what they love again.

  1. Out of the six tracks on your EP, which one would you say is the best and was your favourite one to work on and why?

Oooh, in terms of recording they all kind of merged together the same but when it comes to writing The Lotus King 100% because it’s got so many little elements that brought it together, which is a challenge that I set for myself when it came to making the record, and having Mikey Chapman on it just made it so much better. – Billy

  1. It’s reaching towards the end of the year, which means a lot of festivals are releasing their line ups. Are there any specific festivals that you would want to play either UK based or international?

Jason: 2000 Trees, it’s an amazing festival that still has that close community that makes it 100% better.

Download, if there is anyone from Download festival listening in but the lineup for next year is amazing so that would be a dream to do that festival if they would have us.

  1. What was the creative process like for this record?

Billy: In terms of creative process for this record it was touch for tracks like The Lotus King especially lyrically, but when it came to instrumentals we really wanted to focus on the shock factor and creative side to things, things that would make the audience pay attention. So I spent a lot of time on just purely the instrumental aspects of that record and honestly I’m really proud of how it turned out.

  1. You’ve collaborated with the amazing Mikey Chapman for The Lotus King, is there anyone else in the industry that you would love to collaborate with?

Wait, are we looking at this as realistic or as high as possible, because Kanye would be amazing and would be weird for other people. I think it would be a shock factor of a track with that but that would be incredible – Billy.

Jason: Ooooh, Doja Cat, I think she would be amazing on a heavy track.

Billy: Well she did that heavy version of Say So at the Grammy’s so it’s something that could be done. It honestly could be done because Megan Thee Stallion got Spiritbox so it could happen.

  1. And finally to close it off, you guys are going to go far there’s no doubt about it especially once you release this EP. Is there any advice you would give to someone who’s wanting to start out in a band and get the ball rolling on making music but they just don’t have that push yet?

Make the music, don’t focus on getting the band members, just make the music and put that out there because that will bring the members in for it but it just gets you started. Don’t think about it too much, just make the music.

Sweet Violence EP Review:

Chaos Reigns are taking on a new chapter with brand new members comes a brand new self-released EP. Released in December 2024, this EP is a new level of experimental hardcore, with elements thrown in that could take you off guard in all the best of ways. This EP has the ability to capture the attention of the generic hardcore fan and make others who prefer different genres listen in as well. Chaos Reigns with their unique sound will gather a mass following in the upcoming years.

A song like Graveyard Shift brings you in with the incredible instrumentals and vocals. The song goes in for the kill instantly, not giving you a second to rest if you’re at one of their shows. The lowered vocals might give you a moment to rest for certain elements but you will not have long before it goes insane again and that pit is opening!

The Lotus King being the final song changes its tune from the rest of the EP, a slightly slower but darker tempo starts the track with intense deep vocals following shortly afterwards. This song is the definition of pain and anguish, you can hear it in the vocalist’s screams throughout the song, the pain in the lyrics and the anger and sadness in his words truly gravitate you forward and really show how far the band can go in terms of heartbreaking lyrics and deep meaningful tracks.

Violent Delights, is a much faster tempo and is instant chaos but in amazing ways, this track for me personally is what would make this band fit in well at festivals like Radar. An EP like this with intense tracks like this one could make a crowd go nuts, you can picture the crowd surfers and the mosh pits as you listen to it. The guitar riffs playing in the background are so fast and amazingly done it really ties in the EP together.

The Sweet Violence EP, is a brand new step for the band and based on the conversation I’ve had with them they have put their heart and soul into this record, it shows a tiny percentage of what they can create and their albums in the future will be this x10, I can see it now. The lads in the band are incredible to talk to and amazing fun so you can only guess what they’re like when they perform, just have to hope a member doesn’t have an iffy stomach. The Sweet Violence is an EP to listen to!

Words: Lauren Allard